In the spirit of continuing to be a welcoming community, and acknowledging the recent increase in hate crimes across the Commonwealth and nationwide, residents of Belmont and surrounding communities are invited to Stand-Up for Safety – Hands Around the Pond on Saturday, December 17th from 1-2 p.m. on the Concord Avenue side of Clay Pit Pond in Belmont.
Delegation of Immigration Authority Section 287(g) Immigration and Nationality
In anticipation of changes to deportation policy federally, what can Massachusetts do to keep ICE enforcement actions relatively humane, at least in this state? The wording here, , suggests to me that putting state and local officers on this task is something a state chooses to do itself not something imposed on it from …
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Health Insurance Coverage Loopholes
Hi Will, There is an article in today’s NY Times about people going to emergency rooms for treatment and then facing large bills because the treating physician was not a network member even though the hospital was listed in the provider network. Eastern Massachusetts scored dismally on this survey with over 40% of all patients …
Signs on public property
Many bridges in the state have been covered for years in flags and signs of various kinds. Now there are new ones on bridges over Route 128 in the Lexington area. There are flags and signs saying “America! United we stand, divided we fall.” That’s a fine sentiment, but what gives people the right to …
The Future of the Red Line
Red Line service has been unstable over the past few weeks and I’ve heard from many about that, but there is reason for hope, in the long term, for big increases in both reliability and capacity.
State and local officials continue airplane noise talks with FAA
The Belmont Citizen Herald reports on ongoing efforts by state and federal elected officials to reduce the airplane noise burden on local communities.