I-90 Lane Reduction – 6/2/2017-6/5/2017

From MassDOT: To prepare for the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project (Scheduled for July 26 to August 14) MassDOT will be conducting a “Dry Run” of the traffic logistics on I-90 this weekend.  This test will reduce the travel lanes on the Turnpike from 4 in each direction to 2 in each direction – from …

Update on Massport CAC Aviation Subcommittee Meeting – RNAV Study

On May 5th, 2017, a meeting of the Massport CAC Aviation Subcommittee was held at Massport. The major topic was an update from Massport and the MIT team working on the previously announced RNAV Study (http://bit.ly/2qaUrTY). John Hansman from MIT’s Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment who is leading the study team provided an update …

Oppose the ‘Trumpcare’ health bill

Please oppose the health care Bill that just passed in the House and do whatever you can to convince others to do the same. This bill hurts the most vulnerable people–the poor, the elderly, the millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions, and women. This bill is sickeningly sexist, considering things like C-sections and SEXUAL ASSAULT …