With the federal relief package that just passed, we can be more confident that most households will get through the recession intact.
Federal Issues
A Sample of Proposed Frameworks for Responding to Police Brutality
The following are policy frameworks that have been brought to the attention of Senator Brownsberger’s office this week as possible responses to police brutality.
Senate Working Group Releases Findings on Federal Shutdown
The Senate Working Group on the Federal Shutdown, charged with assessing the impacts of the federal shutdown and developing recommendations to mitigate the impacts on Massachusetts residents, presented its finding and recommendations to members of the Senate today during a Democratic Caucus.
Talking to the Trump Administration
As the Trump administration puts people in place, federal agencies are changing in predictable ways.
Oppose the ‘Trumpcare’ health bill
Please oppose the health care Bill that just passed in the House and do whatever you can to convince others to do the same. This bill hurts the most vulnerable people–the poor, the elderly, the millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions, and women. This bill is sickeningly sexist, considering things like C-sections and SEXUAL ASSAULT …
Congressional vote to allow ISPs to sell customers’ browsing/Internet history
Saw with dismay that the Republicans in Congress voted to allow ISPs to sell customers’ browsing and Internet history data for marketing and other purposes. Is this something that can be checked at the state level, given that we hopefully have somewhat more enlightened leadership in Mass.?