Senator Brownsberger has recently submitted the testimony in this post on S.1117, An Act relative to bicycle safety. The bill would encourage reflective clothing for bicyclists and would mandate use of bicycle helmets.
Rules of the Road
Bicycle Safety Legislation
There are multiple bills pending in this session, sponsored by Senator Brownsberger, that would improve bicycle safety. This post provides more information on all of them.
Auto recalls that we have to find out about ourselves
I’m amazed that used-car dealers aren’t required to repair safety recalls before selling vehicles, or disclose the recalls to customers when the cars are purchased. If there’s something that can be done at the state level about this life-threatening issue, please look into it.
Bike Safety on the Fiedler Bridge
I’m concerned about safety on the Fiedler Footbridge–the command to WALK BIKES should be painted in big fluorescent letters on the concrete wall at each end, and on the walkway itself.
Voluntary Commuter Bicycle License
Hi Will, Here is the idea I told you about, I have never done this before, all input is appreciated: Problem: Accidents occur because motorists and cyclists are unaware of existing rule of the road. Commuters feel insecure about choosing bicycle commuting. Motorists do not know what actions to expect from cyclists. Many people do …
Safe Driving
The “Save Driving” bill would instruct the Registry of Motor Vehicle not to check immigration status as a condition for issuing licenses. I do support the bill and I am, in fact, a co-sponsor of it. It is a controversial concept and I get a lot of email on both sides of it. Most recently, …