As one whose driving is very limited, I am extremely disturbed by the prospect of yet more service cuts. The T needs to employ prudent fiscal management rather than place the burden squarely on the shoulders of riders and other taxpayers. That well is running dry! Thank you, Rep. Brownsberger, for informing us about the …
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Hearings on MBTA Service Reductions or Fare Increases
The T is now starting a conversation about choices between fair increases and service reductions. See local details and hearing schedules here.
Problems with the T
So, a driver with a sleep problem causes a wreck in Newton, and that doesn’t motivate the MBTA to install the proper safety technology for the Green Line, and then Aidan Quinn causes another wreck. It strikes me that this failure of safety belongs to Dan Grabauskas, who is in charge of the T.
revised biking laws
Your recent post about bike paths around Alewife reminded me of something I’ve had wandering in my head for a bit of time now… Bicyclists currently have to abide by the same rules that cars do, but I don’t think this makes sense. Firstly, cyclists don’t represent quite as high a danger as cars/trucks, since …
Alewife updates — bicycle and pedestrian improvements
Given that the potential for road congestion reduction in the area is limited, it makes sense to improve bicycle and pedestrian alternatives for local residents. Several projects are in progress or on the drawing board.
Alewife updates — traffic congestion
Slow progress continues in efforts to address traffic issues in the Alewife area, one of the most congested areas in the state. Expectations for improvement should remain low.