More lane restrictions are upcoming on the Bowker Overpass beginning on Tuesday, October 14.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
BSA Beacon Park Yards Event
Harry Mattison passed along the following notice about an upcoming meeting regarding the Beacon Park Yards hosted by the Boston Society of Architects on Wednesday, October 29 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Architecture Boston Expo at the BCEC Convention Center.
Improvements to Symphony Station
In response to feedback we received from constituents at this year’s annual Green Line Meeting, the MBTA undertook a comprehensive maintenance/rehabilitation project at Symphony Station. Here are improvements made by MBTA maintenance since the Green Line Meeting.
Governor Patrick announces major improvements to I-90 Interchange
Senator Brownsberger joined Governor Patrick, Secretary Davey, Mayor Walsh, and Representative Honan at today’s (9/30) announcement of major improvements to the I-90 Interchange in Allston, including the creation of a new commuter rail station called West Station. See a video of the press conference, done by Harry Mattison (Sen. Brownsberger can be seen at 5:38), and the event press release.
POSTPONED! Bowker Overpass Meeting – October 8th
MassDOT) has postponed a Public Meeting for the Back Bay Ramps Transportation Study, initially scheduled for Wednesday, October 8th at the Boston Public Library. A new meeting date will be announced within the next several weeks.
Pension Fund Transparency Update
Last week, the MBTA reached agreement with its largest union, Local 589, on a new collective bargaining agreement which includes commitments to increase transparency of the union’s pension fund. Concerns about the issue aren’t fully settled, but this is real progress and I commend the MBTA, the union’s leadership and the fund itself for these major steps towards transparency.