Next week, the Senate will vote on a proposal to ban use of hand-held cell phones while driving. As a frequent cyclist, I am a “vulnerable road user” and do live in fear of distracted drivers. But I am not sure how I’ll vote yet. I’d really like to hear from folks on this one.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Longfellow Bridge construction impact.
Representative Livingstone and Senator Brownsberger have been getting a number of emails about bike travel on the redesigned Longfellow Bridge. Here are Mass DOT’s responses about both inbound and outbound bike travel on the bridge.
Proposed legislation adds visibility to issue of cyclist safety
The Belmont Citizen-Herald reports on Senator Brownsberger’s efforts to pass bike safety legislation. “I have been working on this issue as long as I have been in the Legislature,” said State Sen. Will Brownsberger, D-Belmont, who is sponsoring four of the key bills. “Several currently pending bills have been filed in the past couple of years, but we have reached the point where the issue has the necessary visibility.”
Side guards and the trucking industry
To learn more about the complexities of the highly regulated trucking industry and how bill S1810 would impact tanker truck drivers, Senator Brownsberger did a site visit to Houghton Chemical in Allston on January 14. He met with owner Bruce Houghton to discuss the engineering and safety obstacles to adaptation of side guards to the tanker trucks operated by Houghton.
Temporary Closure of the Paul Dudley White Bike Path in Boston
Please see the following construction notice for the Paul Dudley White Bike Path in Boston, between the Boston University Bridge and the River Street Bridge, beginning on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 and continuing to Saturday, February 20, 2016.
Draft Commuter Rail Schedules and Opportunities for Public Input
The MBTA has rolled out a public engagement process to solicit feedback on proposed changes to the commuter rail schedules. The public comment period will run from January 7th through February 12th. This post contains links to proposed changes to the Fitchburg line and to other lines. The finalized schedules will be announced in April and will go into effect on Monday, May 23rd.