Fixing transportation issues in Brighton

How about building an underground train (under the water) to come through Oak Sq. to Newton Corner or Watertown Center? It takes about an hour and 15 minutes to go downtown from Oak Sq. and we live in Boston. Bus #57 stops every few seconds to pick up and drop B.U students and we have …

Summarizing Input on the Green Line

Thanks to the over 100 people who participated in our forum on the Green Line at the Boston Public Library on Thursday. And thanks to the many more who have commented in our general MBTA forum. Thank you especially to the MBTA staff who assembled an excellent opening presentation (click here for the PowerPoint) and brought …

You are Invited to a January 17th Public Information Meeting on Green Line Capacity Issues & Solutions

The Green Line meeting has already happened — but it’s not too late to . . . Share your thoughts online! Elected officials have organized a Public Information Meeting on Green Line Capacity Issues & Solutions on January 17th at the Boston Public Library. If you would like further information about this forum you may contact any of …