Making buses move through traffic faster

The MBTA has working for several years on “transit signal priority”, which utilizes GPS technology to help buses and surface light rail improve reliability and reduce delays. Now that the system is being tested, I’m hopeful that its rollout can include crowded bus routes in my district, particularly the 71 (Watertown) and 73 (Waverley) buses.

Final Public Meeting: Mt. Auburn St. Corridor Study

The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, in collaboration with the Cities of Cambridge and Watertown, will host a final public meeting relative to the Mt. Auburn Street Corridor Study on Tuesday, January 31, from 6 – 8 PM at the Shady Hill School Assembly Hall, located at 56 Coolidge Avenue, Cambridge. The meeting space is …

Contract for Fresh Pond and Mount Auburn intersection awarded

The DCR has awarded a contract to develop an approach to improving the system of intersections around Mt. Auburn Street and Fresh Pond Parkway. The accepted proposal conveys a strong understanding of the problems around the intersection and the potential for change. It contemplates an early public meeting and we will make sure that this is publicized broadly when it is scheduled.

A step forward for commuters

On September 8, the state put out to bid a corridor study for Mount Auburn Street. This is the next step towards improving the permanent traffic snarl at the intersection of Mount Auburn Street and Fresh Pond Parkway. The formal study process won’t start for a couple of months. But it’s not too early to start brainstorming in this space — your comments would be much appreciated.