An electoral or process reform category?

Hi Will Perhaps you can create a forum that deals with structural reform of one or more of government, elections, chamber rules, process? I tried to post one more bit to inform your view of National Popular Vote (although of course this battle has passed here in MA) and attempt to dispel your main concern …

Ed Markey to the US Senate

I would think that everyone having concern about our representation at the US Senate, would be favorably influenced if Ed Markey would publicly sign the There is plenty of time before tuesday… Laurence Lessig in makes a compelling argument, and even more important, simple steps to address how to make our congress better …

Election Law Reforms

I’ve recently received a number of emails urging me to sign on to legislation related to election Law reforms. The list appears below. My biggest concern is to avoid the long lines which occurred at the last Presidential election and I’ve cosponsored the Murray/Straus early voting bill. I will also cosponsor the Finegold package which …

Citizens United (continued)

Will, We are disappointed by your stance on the Citizens United decision and proposed constitutional amendment to reverse it  (Belmont Citizen’s Herald, March 25, and your website). You cast doubt on the alarming implications of the Court’s decision, asking “…do we, the people, feel that we need to be protected by government from hearing the …

S 772 and Citizens United

Dear Will, According to your website, you have decided to vote against a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to fix Citizens United.  As a friend of the First Amendment, I understand your reluctance to tinker with that great bulwark of our liberties.  But I have done a lot of thinking, speaking and writing about …