Today the Senate debated and passed S2205 the Environmental Bond Bill, which authorizes funds for the preservation and improvement of land, parks and clean energy in the Commonwealth. Senator Brownsberger advocated for several priorities that were adopted in the Senate version of the bill.
Updates and Analysis
Why is legislation so hard to read?
Couldn’t we improve the way legislation is written to make it more transparent?
2013 & 2014 Session Update
LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2013 & 2014 LEGISLATIVE SESSION (UPDATED 8/1/14) Special Election Provisions (Ch. 2 of Acts 2013) FY13 Supplemental Budget (Ch. 3 of Acts 2013) Chapter 90 Road and Bridge Repairs (Ch. 18 of Acts 2013) Capital Supplemental Budget (Ch. 27 of Acts 2013) Uniform Commercial Code (Ch. 30 of Acts 2013) Affordable …
Much to do in January
As the first leg of the 2013-14 legislative cycle wound down this evening (November 20), we wrapped up time critical legislation, but we left other major legislation until January. Massachusetts works on a two year legislative cycle, so unfinished business can be deferred without losing any forward progress. In adjourning the session this evening, the …
Barbara Miranda, Senator Brownsberger’s Chief of Staff, interviewed on Rogers Report
Barbara Miranda, Senator Brownsberger’s Chief of Staff, was interviewed by State Representative Dave Rogers on the first installment of the Rogers Report, State Representative Dave Rogers’ local television “show informing constituents of the 24th Middlesex district.” The episode featuring Barbara was broadcast on July 26, 2013 by the Belmont Media Center. Having worked at the State …
Five minutes past bill filing deadline…
5 pm today was the deadline for filing bills for the 2013-2014 session. Senator Brownsberger filed 47 bills on a wide range of topics. Some resulted from suggestions by constituents and others represent his work on pension reform, environmental issues and other subjects. You can check the list of bills on by going to …