One of the most significant pieces of legislation that we passed in the 2007-8 session was the Oceans Act, which contemplates a science based planning process for the waters along the Massachusetts coast. The Oceans Advisory Commission is seeking input on a draft plan.
Legislative News
commonwealth conversations, outlook, senate press releases, updates and analysis
A Virtuous Cycle of Fear and Loathing
There is a lot more to reform, but by any fair reckoning, the last four months of legislative activity have been extraordinarily productive. It didn’t have to turn out that way.
S58, Anti-human trafficking bill
Will, thank you for testifying for S58, the anti-human trafficking bill filed by Sen. Mark Montigny, and for cosponsoring the bill. Human trafficking, which is the crime of buying and selling human beings, typically into servitude or prostitution, occurs everywhere in the world ( There are victims here in Massachusetts.
Pending Ethics Legislation
As a constituent, I appreciate the opportunity to comment here on the pending “ethics” legislation.
Legislation co-sponsored in 2009-10
Bills co-sponsored for the 2009-10 legislative session.
Legislation filed in 2009-10
List of bills that I have filed for the 2009-10 legislative session.