Senate Passes Bill for Long-Term Substance Abuse Recovery

Senator Brownsberger stood with Senate President Murray and fellow Senators at the President’s May 8th press conference as she announced her plan to address the need for long-term substance abuse treatment in the Commonwealth. Senator Brownsberger serves on the Senate Special Committee on Drug Abuse and Treatment Options. The Senate took up bill S2133 in formal session today (5/13). It passed unanimously, including an …

S1112, An Act relative to the establishment of independent forensic laboratories and the oversight and accreditation of such laboratories.

Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Public Safety. TO:          Committee on Public Safety  FROM:     Senator William N. Brownsberger  RE:           S1112, An Act relative to the establishment of      independent forensic sciences laboratories and the oversight and accreditation of such laboratories.  DATE:       February 11, 2014  I am writing in support of S1112, …

Permanent Drug Collection Kiosk Installed in Brighton

The Allston-Brighton Substance Abuse Task Force has announced a permanent collection kiosk for residents looking to safely and easily dispose of prescription and non-prescription medication.   Residents can now find a self-serve MedReturn Kiosk in the lobby of the Boston Police Department D-14 at 301 Washington St. in Brighton.  No questions will be asked to those who use the kiosk to drop off …

Prescription Medication Abuse

Will, I’ve been meaning to write and thank you for working to tighten rules for prescription pain medication.  As a social worker, I have encountered tragic situations of families ruined by prescription drug addiction.  Most poignant was a juvenile court investigation for a family involved with DCF.  The mother was getting monthly prescriptions for her …

Feb 14 Federal HELP Committee Hearing on IOM Pain Report

On February 14 the U.S. Senate H.E.L.P. Committee will hold a Congressional hearing to review the Institute of Medicine’s 2011 report on pain, Relieving Pain in American: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education and Research. A little piece of Massachusetts trivia about this report.  The chairperson of the IOM committee was Philip Pizzo, MD, …