55 – 65% of GHG’s from United States agriculture are attributable to domestic livestock (feed exports are not attributed to livestock in this computation).
airplane noise, carbon and climate, cell towers, flooding, land use issues, parks and recreation, pfas, waste/hazards, water issues
United states agriculture contributions to climate change
Estimators fairly consistently place agriculture (actual production of crops and animal products) at about 9-10% of the U.S. total of greenhouse gas emissions.
Carbon footprint and food choices — reducing animal product consumption
Reducing animal product consumption may be a fairly direct route to reducing one’s greenhouse gas footprint and offers collateral health and environmental benefits.
Carbon footprint grows with income level
Affluent individuals tend to have larger carbon footprints than those less fortunate.
Is a goal of 450ppm (higher than many advise) achievable?
450 ppm is a stretch goal and would require average global emissions over the century to drop more than 1/3 below current emissions.
What do skeptics have to say about climate change?
In the scientific community, genuine climate change skeptics are vastly less numerous than those who see sufficient evidence to support immediate action to address climate change.