Silver Maple Forest Update

As noted previously, Governor Patrick did not sign House 701. He did commit to conduct the appraisal contemplated by House 701. I am satisfied with this outcome — the bill would have accomplished nothing more. Confirmation of the appraisal commitment has now arrived in the form of the attached letter from Secretary of Environmental Affairs, …

701: Nice posturing, but not effective

Rep. Brownsberger, I want to thank you for your efforts in trying to preserve open space in your district, and for trying to prevent construction in a location that is inappropriate for multiple reasons – floodprone and in floodplain, inadequate sewer capacity, not physically near either schools or businesses. However, I think everyone realizes that …

Urban Wild calls our attention this holiday season

While our rare silver maple forest is within hours or days of being permitted for clear cutting as a town or city christmas gift to its citizens, some actions and public visibility is required so that the decision makers in the crime will be able to take responsiblity for it. There is a way out, …