We are doing a “deep energy retrofit” of our home. It’s a nice time to drive by if you are interested in the insulation process — different parts of the structure are at different stages.
Carbon and Climate
building energy, divestment, emissions data, personal footprint, preparing for climate change, reducing emissions in ma, science and goals
MA Appliance Exchange Fiasco
Yesterday, like thousands of others, I wasted much time in a fruitless effort to log into the state’s web site for the appliance rebate program. Of course the telephone option did not work either. This to me is just another example of poor government planning and execution. As someone who has been in the systems work …
Hearing on the Climate Impact of the Transportation Sector
The Global Warming and Climate Change Committee held a hearing on the climate impact of the transportation sector this week. The presentations were useful and read well as standalone documents.
Keeping climate change in perspective
Below is a text that I expect to deliver in rough form this afternoon at a rally in Concord for action on climate change sponsored by 350.org.
If the carbon issue were being approached with cold rationality; evaluating the data, risks, costs, and so on, the result would be a truely massive effort by all humanity to change what we are doing. As things are, the problem is characterized by piddling measures completely underscale. Read the history of the first world war …
Taxes, environment and energy
Keep up the good work. The tax that makes sense to me is increasing gas taxes and spending the money on, in priority order: expanded mass transit (this helps drivers too by reducing congestion and wear and tear on the road), roads and bridges. Making gas more expensive makes sense from a global warming …