This post continues the sharing of learning from the “deep energy retrofit” of our home. It summarizes a financial analysis of the project.
Carbon and Climate
building energy, divestment, emissions data, personal footprint, preparing for climate change, reducing emissions in ma, science and goals
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the Brownsberger Deep Energy Retrofit (DER) project
What is the net environmental impact of a deep energy retrofit (DER)? We know that adding insulation, a more efficient furnace, modern windows and leak sealing foam to an older house will reduce the energy required to maintain a given temperature. We can calculate the cost savings and GHG reductions. But what of the environmental …
Belmont Deep Energy Retrofit Update
Building Sciences Corporation has published a case study of our super-insulated home project.
Why haven’t we achieved energy independence (and controlled climate change)?
Jon Stewart’s framing of this question is as powerful as it is amusing, although his answer is only more humor.
Deep Energy Retrofit in Belmont
We are doing a “deep energy retrofit” of our home. It’s a nice time to drive by if you are interested in the insulation process — different parts of the structure are at different stages.
MA Appliance Exchange Fiasco
Yesterday, like thousands of others, I wasted much time in a fruitless effort to log into the state’s web site for the appliance rebate program. Of course the telephone option did not work either. This to me is just another example of poor government planning and execution. As someone who has been in the systems work …