Letter to Committee Chairs in support of H2935, transition to a clean energy Commonwealth

Senator Brownsberger, along with a number of other legislators, has signed a letter to the Chairs of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy in support of H2935, An Act to transition to a clean energy Commonwealth. March 17, 2014  Representative John Keenan, House Chair Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy State House, …

Legislation on Sea Level Rise Passed

Last year, I filed Senate 344 to jump start planning to address the storm surge risks created by rising sea levels. I’m pleased to report that the legislation was passed as part of last week’s supplemental budget measure. Representatives Rushing and Livingstone cosponsored the budget language on the House side. Representatives Walz, Ehrlich, Lewis, Khan, …

H3873 – An Act relative to natural gas leaks

Senator Brownsberger recently wrote a letter to the Senate Committee on Ways and Means in support of H3873 – An Act relative to natural gas leaks: March 13, 2014 Senator Stephen M. Brewer, Chair Senate Committee on Ways and Means Room 212 State House Boston, MA 02133 Dear Chairman Brewer, H3873, “An Act relative to …

Governor's Climate Change Announcement

The Governor announced this week a package of measures to respond to climate change. If the climate changes as much as most scientists believe it will — given the trajectory we are on — our agriculture and living patterns will necessarily change. Among the most dangerous impacts of climate change will be sea level rise. …