2015-2016 Gas Leaks Legislation

A recent article in the Boston Globe has drawn attention back to the more than 20,000 active natural gas leaks across the state. The 2014 gas leaks legislation created a registry and a three tiered classification system to prioritize and mandate repairs for the two larger classes of leaks. There are two bills relative to gas leaks that are under consideration in the current session.

Senate Passes Extension of Net Metering

Yesterday the Senate passed a climate adaptation planning bill, including an amendment to extend solar net metering for investor owned utilities. The Senate was eager to move this issue forward in part because some areas of the state have reached their current cap and solar installations are at risk of losing the federal subsidy which possibly expires at the end of next year. The bill now moves to the House of Representatives, where its prospects are unclear.

Comments on the Gas Leaks Legislation

This week, the Senate passed legislation to address leaking natural gas pipelines. I was pleased to support this legislation. Jeanne Mooney has posted the official senate press release on this site, but I wanted to offer some additional explanation and comments. Leaking natural gas is a real problem: It is costly. It sometimes endangers the …