ISO-New England is provoking an uncomfortable discussion about both present and future grid reliability risks.
Reducing Emissions in MA
Climate Legislation in 2022
The senate voted on climate legislation today. The debate highlighted the limits on the state’s ability to achieve its climate goals and the need for a federal green new deal.
Solar Installation Opportunity
Jocelyn Tager transmits information about new solar installation opportunity,
Electrifying public transportation
If we could electrify most vehicles and then make all power sources on the grid carbon neutral, we would make the transportation sector (airplanes aside) carbon neutral and much cleaner. How soon could that happen?
National Energy Awareness Month
October is National Energy Awareness Month.
Why are we subsidizing dirty power & dangerous pipelines, not renewable energy?
Apparently the residents of Massachusetts are going to be charged $1 extra per month on their electricity bills for the next two years to subsidize an unprofitable, dirty power plant that isn’t even needed most of the year: Why?