I have heard from DCF workers that stipends for foster children have not increased with inflation, and this causes financial hardship for foster parents. Given the need for foster parents, especially with the strain of the opioid crisis, has there been any discussion about increasing stipends to be more in line with the current costs …
budget and local aid updates, community preservation act, financial outlook, local aid policy, priorities/requests, resources, revenue, taxes
Full funding for Reach out and Read
Hi Will, Yesterday’s GlobeWest reported Gov Baker cut funding for this program. What are your thoughts on this & your suggestions for what we can do to restore it?
FY17 Veto Overrides
The Senate took the following votes to override the Governor’s FY17 Vetoes: The Senate voted to override the following vetoes: 0320-0003: Supreme Judicial Court Administration Reduce by: $87,621 Reduce to: $8,674,528 Senate vote: 33-6 0320-0010: Suffolk County Supreme Judicial Court Clerks Office Reduce by: $15,677 Reduce to: $1,552,058 Senate vote: 36-3 0321-1504: CPCS Attorney Salaries …
FY17 Budget Settled
It’s a tight budget and we’ll have to watch closely to see whether its assumptions hold up.
Items of Local Interest in the FY17 Budget
The following items of local interest were adopted in the FY17 budget: Belmont (amendments offered by Representative Roger and included in the final package): 2000-1000: “and provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for energy conservation projects for school and town buildings in Belmont;” 2800-0401: “provided, that not less than $50,000 shall …
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FY2017 Budget
Lots of hard work done; lots left to do to get to end of job on the budget. The Senate process is complete. The House-Senate conference process begins shortly.