Official Joint Press Release on the 2014 Budget

 The General Court of Massachusetts State House, Boston, 02133-1053 —-  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                        Contacts:  Laura Oggeri         Seth Gitell July 1, 2013                                                                      Senate President      House Speaker (617) 722-1500      (617) 722-2500     House, Senate Pass Comprehensive FY14 Budget Includes Strong Investments for Essential Services and Programs   (BOSTON) – The Massachusetts Legislature …

Senate Ways and Means Budget Released.

The Senate Ways and Means Committee released its budget draft for Fiscal 2014 today. It shaves total formula local aid  overall just slightly, but some communities that have historically been shortchanged, notably Watertown, do a little better.  In addition to making adjustments in the main local aid accounts it fully funds the special education circuit …

Senate Engrosses Bill Allocating Chapter 90 Funding

Yesterday, the Senate engrossed a bill that would allocate Chapter 90 funding for transportation projects, including repairs to roads and bridges, to support the infrastructure of Massachusetts cities and towns. This $300 million appropriaton reflects a $100 million increase over last year’s $200 million appropriation. The increase would be funded by revenue raised and dedicated by a transportation …