Last weekend, the Massachusetts Medical Society endorsed the legalization of safe injection facilities. I am the sponsor of a bill to create a framework for legal operation of these facilities. The bill speaks to a crying need, especially now that fentanyl is on the market being sold as heroin.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Discussion on FY’18 Budget
I’m hosting a discussion meeting on the state budget at the Watertown Library on Wednesday, May 10 at 6:30PM. The meeting will begin with an overview of the budget and there will be ample time for discussion.
The Crossing
Every once in a while you run into a story that you can’t quite believe and you just want to hear more.
Airplane Noise may increase somewhat in May and June
Depending on the weather, Belmont, Watertown and Brighton may experience more audible overflights from Logan in late May and June.
Health Care — a coming concern
The Trump health care changes may not take effect until 2020, but even without those changes the Massachusetts health care model is under stress.
MBTA Service Cuts
The MBTA has proposed to cut services to balance its budget. While I do not endorse any of the cuts, I do feel we need to let the MBTA board work through the hard choices it has to make.