This is the fourth of a series of surveys checking in on the economic consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic in my district.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Supporting Municipalities
The legislature and the Governor recently announced a joint commitment to avoid cuts in state aid to municipalities in the current fiscal year despite the state’s own loss of revenues.
Time to hit the brakes?
In order to safely reopen our schools, we may need to hit the brakes on our phased reopening of the economy in Massachusetts and we back off of at least some elements of reopening.
Police Office Standards and Accreditation Committee
We need an independent state board with authority to certify police officers, receive civilian complaints, investigate serious police misconduct, and decertify officers when serious misconduct or a pattern of lesser misconduct is proven.
Qualified Immunity
The changes to qualified immunity that are proposed by the Senate’s policing bill responsible and overdue. I support them as written, but I am not opposed to clarifying amendments.
Stay Safe!
As you enjoy the summer, please stay focused on maintaining physical distance from people outside your home.