There is little to suggest that high school mathematics content is directly relevant to most jobs.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
If not college for all?
It is hardly clear that our economy is capable of offering everyone the opportunity to realize their full potential, but we at least want to get kids to the starting gate of adult working life with an education that maximizes their early potential.
Gas Tax
Most feedback to me has been overwhelmingly supportive of the gas tax — simple, fairer than high tolls, environmentally sound, definitely needed, a broad-based mechanism to fund a broadly-used commonwealth asset.
Gas tax increase
A conversation is developing about the gas tax and also about how to protect low and middle-income tax payers from additional financial stress.
Recent Jim Hansen testimony — higher risks?
NASA scientest Jim Hansen argues that the concensus estimates of the rate and risks of global warming are understated.
Alewife traffic issues
A quick update on Alewife traffic issues. Some progress has been made that merits report.