Belmont Media Center? Office Hours Live for October with Senator Brownsberger and Monica Collins discusses Belmont railroad station repair/closing options, Trapelo Road repavement project, drug screening in schools, and mitigating fines and punishment for certain offenses.
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Senate to debate the automatic license suspension law
22News WWLP reported on the Senate debate on bill S.2014 relative to the automatic license suspension of drivers licenses, and reported that, “Belmont State Senator William Brownsberger told 22News that prison time should be punishment enough. ‘People are starting to realize we’re grinding people down. Okay, we punish them – good, done. Now we have to let them get back on their feet.'”
Sen. Will Brownsberger on sex offender recidivism (9-24-15)
On WRKO’s Morning Show with Kim Carrigan, Senator Brownsberger discussed the work of the Special Commission to Reduce the Recidivism of Sex Offenders (SORC?).
Walsh wants safer cycling city
The Boston Herald? reporting on the tragic bike fatality in the Back Bay last week, noted the legislation filed by Senator Brownsberger (S.1810?) requiring certain vehicles to be equipped with side under-ride guards and blind spot mirrors. “The city last year began requiring its trucks to have side guards to stop people from falling underneath the vehicles. Walsh is backing a bill before the Legislature to require trucks statewide to have the guards. Sen. William Brownsberger is a co-sponsor of the bill.” Visit this link on Bicycle Safety Legislation sponsored by Senator Brownsberger for more information on this topic.
Top state officials seek review of criminal justice system
The Boston Globe reports that, “the top officials in Massachusetts government are asking for an independent review of the state’s criminal justice system.” The nonprofit group the Council of State Governments will conduct the analysis with the funding of the US Department of Justice and the Pew Charitable Trusts. Senator Brownsberger, who has been studying Massachusetts criminal justice statistics?, told the Globe that the request is a solid effort to get more data in an area where the state needs to make progress, “which is how do we get people safely back out onto the street in a way they can succeed and not return to being incarcerated.”
Senator Will Brownsberger on Sales Tax Holiday (7-30-15)
On WRKO’s Morning Show with Kim Carrigan, Senator Brownsberger discussed the upcoming sales tax holiday weekend and why he is not in favor of it.