Senator Brownsberger discusses the benefits of Supervised Injection Facilities for opioid users in a Boston Globe article addressing the diverse perspectives MA officials have on the matter.
Format Archives:
Sen. Brownsberger Discusses New Funding for Watertown Greenway
In this article, Senator Brownsberger and Representative Jon Hecht address the new funding for Phase II of the Watertown-Cambridge Greenway, including the logistics of construction as well as the proposed route for the Greenway.
Boston Globe Details 6/5 Judiciary Committee Hearing on Criminal Justice Reform
The Boston Globe details the June 5th Judiciary Committee hearing on criminal justice reform issues, chaired by Senator Brownsberger
Sen. Brownsberger Appears on Charles River Conservancy ‘Parklands’ Show
Senator Brownsberger discusses current projects along the Charles and legislation he’s filed to improve road safety on CCTV
Senator Brownsberger Appears on Commonwealth Magazine’s Codcast to Discuss Pay Raise Package
Senator Brownsberger joined Jack Sullivan and Bruce Mohl on Commonwealth Magazine’s weekly podcast on politics and policy, The Codcast, to discuss legislative pay increases, which were debated by the House and Senate this week.
Senator Brownsberger Talks Legislative Pay Increase on Greater Boston with Jim Braude
Senator Brownsberger appeared on WGBH’s Greater Boston with Jim Braude alongsideĀ State Representative Shaunna O’Connell on Tuesday, January 24 to discuss legislative compensation ahead of this week’s House and Senate debates.