Senator Brownsberger is mentioned in a WWLP-22 News article that asks what should be done about the state’s outdated laws.
Format Archives:
Sen. Brownsberger Featured in WWLP-22 Article on Drowsy Driving
Senator Brownsberger, who filed an omnibus traffic safety reform package this session titled An Act to reduce traffic fatalities, was featured in a WWLP-22 News article on reducing drowsy driving.
Sen. Brownsberger Condemns Charlottesville Violence in Informal Senate Session
In response to the violence in Charlottesville, Senator Brownsberger joined Senator Tarr in condemning the white supremacist rally during an informal Senate session, as reported by SouthCoast Today.
Sen. Brownsberger Talks Budget Gap for Snow Removal with WWLP-22 News
Senator Brownsberger weighs in on a bill recently filed by Governor Baker that would allocate $50.4M to MassDOT for outstanding snow removal bills, as reported by WWLP-22 News.
Expunge or Seal? Sen. Brownsberger featured in Globe after Conference Committee Compromise
Following the conference committee compromise on recreational marijuana, Sen. Brownsberger was featured in a Boston Globe article that considers how criminal records involving marijuana-related offenses should be treated.
Sen. Brownsberger Mentioned in Globe Editorial on Alimony Reform
Senator Brownsberger was recently mentioned in a Boston Globe editorial on alimony reform, which is under consideration by the Judiciary Committee the Senator chairs.