Senator Brownsberger appeared alongside Wendy Murphy on WGBH’s Greater Boston with Jim Braude to discuss a provision included in the criminal justice reform package.
Format Archives:
Students help advance forensic science reform in Massachusetts
Harvard Law Today details Wrongful Conviction Day at the State House, which highlighted current legislative efforts to stop wrongful convictions, including discussion of a bill filed by Senator Brownsberger that would create an independent forensic science commission to provide enhanced auditing and oversight of evidence.
State Senator Discusses Criminal Justice Reform Bill
Chris Lovett of the Boston Neighborhood Network interviewed Senator Brownsberger about the Senate Criminal Justice Reform Package.
Brownsberger’s big tent
Commonwealth Magazine reports on yesterdays Rally for Reform.
State Senators voice their support for criminal justice reform bill
WWLP 22 News reports on the Rally for Reform.
Bill would bar parents’ testimony against their kids in nearly all cases
The Boston Globe reports on parent-child testimony provisions in the Senate Criminal Justice Reform package.