Oppose the ‘Trumpcare’ health bill

Please oppose the health care Bill that just passed in the House and do whatever you can to convince others to do the same. This bill hurts the most vulnerable people–the poor, the elderly, the millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions, and women. This bill is sickeningly sexist, considering things like C-sections and SEXUAL ASSAULT …

Neighborhood Solar celebrates Earth Day by opening a Solar Group-Buy Program

Running from April 22, 2017, to July 31, 2017, Neighborhood Solar offers Watertown, Belmont, Cambridge, and Arlington residents a solar group-purchase discount program. Using SunBug Solar as the installer and offering a 21% discount off the current average installation price in Massachusetts, this program combines the best solar prices with the best solar quality and …

Climate Change and how it will affect Boston

Today’s New York Times Magazine focuses on climate change and it’s potential impact on coastal communities. We now have a president who calls climate change a hoax. I’m seriously concerned that government in general is largely in denial about the very real consequences that we will soon be facing. I live in Back Bay and …