Below is a a list of bills that I have filed for the 2009-10 legislative session.
Not all of these bills have been fully vetted — in fact, most are rough drafts or concepts — and filing does not constitute an endorsement. Filing a bill just permits it to be considered during the coming session.
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Will never hesitate to vote for any spending bill, In fact he always vote on party lines. It is truly a sever dissapointment to see a state rep vote in this manner since it shows that he or she is nothing but a pupett. Sorry Will but you really need to look at your record. Even voting for a rise in State Sales taxs – He just followed party lines. I hate to see some one just be a pupett , this is not the kind of reprentation I want or expect.
Please support the Quinn Bill tonight. The police work hard for us and the better educated they are, the more they enhance our communities. It’s worked so well and if it goes away, we’re going to feel it.
Thank you so much for all your hard work. We are so impressed with the amount of time and effort you’ve poured into your role as State Representative. When so many of us stood out and supported you, we never imagined just how much you’d get done in this short amount of time.
You are a born leader!