In my view, we need to send the team back to define higher yield options than those currently on the table. The options on the table are actually not efficient from an environmental or economic perspective.
The SAVE Students Act Bill
S285 would build school-wide responses to threatening and self-injurious behavior in students.
Elementary School Recess Bill
S330 would mandate daily recess for elementary schools across the Commonwealth.
Commonwealth Mag Covers Sen. Brownsberger’s Prison Phone Fee Bill
Commonwealth Magazine reports on a bill filed by Senator Brownsberger that would eliminate the cost of phone calls for individuals who are incarcerated.
21st Century Education Trust Fund
Included in the Student Opportunity Act, the Trust Fund seeks to support school districts and schools pursuing innovative approaches to improving student outcomes and closing opportunity gaps.
Senate Passes Bills Promoting the Safety, Health and Wellness of Children and Persons with Disabilities
Both bills now move to the House for further consideration.