Table of notable FY10 budget line items, updated with finalized numbers for the fy10 budget as determined by the joint House and Senate Conference Committee.
Support An Override for the Governor’s Veto of the Mentoring Matching Grants Line Item
I’m writing this email both as a constituent of your district and twitter follower, as well as an advocate for youth mentoring programs. As you know, Governor Patrick vetoed 16 line items from the FY2010 budget on Monday, one of which was the Mentoring Matching Grants line item (7061-9634), which this year supported 21 mentoring …
Comment Opportunity on Draft Oceans Management Plan
One of the most significant pieces of legislation that we passed in the 2007-8 session was the Oceans Act, which contemplates a science based planning process for the waters along the Massachusetts coast. The Oceans Advisory Commission is seeking input on a draft plan.
Marijuana, Cocaine and Heroin
I’ve been hearing from a number of constituents who are calling for full legalization and taxation of marijuana. I think that it is much more useful to focus on reducing mandatory minimum sentences for the harder drugs and I’m hopeful that our financial crunch will create the conditions for responsible movement on sentencing policy.
A Virtuous Cycle of Fear and Loathing
There is a lot more to reform, but by any fair reckoning, the last four months of legislative activity have been extraordinarily productive. It didn’t have to turn out that way.
Final Ethics Reform Bill Passed Unanimously
The House voted unanimously in support of far-reaching ethics reform today. The bill included not only core ethics reforms (enhanced penalties for all forms of inappropriate gifts and self-dealing), but also enhanced regulation of lobbying and campaign political finance.