Response to the latest version of Massachusetts’ Education Reform Bill

The latest version of the education reform bill to come out of the joint committee on education has many laudable elements that could improve education in entire schools and even school districts.  The Innovation Schools look like they’re heading in the right direction.  Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the bill are potentially workable although …

need to respect collective bargaining rights of teachers

Dear Mr. Brownsberger, I am writing to express my displeasure at the current education bill. I agree that there needs to be urgent action in poor performing schools. However, it is not only teachers that are to blame for such performance. We need comprehensive education reform that will look at the role of administrators, parents, …

H.3287–Testing Requirements for Elderly Drivers

Hi Will, Do you know the status of this pending bill filed by Senator Brian A. Joyce? Mandatory testing requirements for elderly drivers (age 75 and over) does not seem unreasonable, and could prevent vehicular tragedies from occurring in the future. I‘m curious to hear your position and thoughts regarding this issue.