Durations of non-competes should reflect shortened job tenures

It’s critical to reduce the length of non-competes as the longevity of startup companies decreases, reducing the average job tenure for many startup employees. During the tech bubble the average job tenures I observed on many resumes decreased dramatically. The trend appears to have continued unabated since then, which is easy to confirm with a …

State employee payroll totals

The spreadsheet below compares census data on state payroll as of March 2008 with March 2000, responding to comments on this post. Most areas other than higher education, which is not funded primarily on the state budget, show cuts. The increase in higher education more than accounts for the growth in state employment — without …

Field Observations of the Flood of 2010

For those who focus on the details of flood events, here is a collection of data points from my travels around the Alewife and Mystic from Sunday into Tuesday. It is important now that we assemble observations from this event and learn as much as possible. Clarissa Rowe will be convening a meeting of the Arlington-Belmont-Cambridge Stormwater Flooding Board for that purpose.