New Stimulus funds for Arlington/Belmont?

Will, I am hearing Massachusetts stands to gain $400m in new Stimulus funds this year specifically for keeping or hiring Teachers. I understand this is part of an amendment to the Iraq/Afghanistan funding Bill and should be voted on soon in the Senate. I know you always thought there would be another round of stimulus …

Report on Meeting with MassDOT re Cell Phone Sites

Just to keep all informed: I met this morning for about 30 minutes with folks from the Mass Department of Transportation’s real estate division and their legislative liaison. As in my meetings with Verizon, I made clear to them that the currently proposed Exit 59 location is a dead proposal in my mind. They explained …

No More Swimming at Walden Pond

Dear Mr. Brownsberger: I just learned that the park representatives are meeting with State commissioners and lawyers on Monday to decide whether they should stop allowing people to swim across the pond or on the other side of the pond.  I haven’t been able to find out how the users of the pond could be …