The report of the Supreme Judicial Court’s independent counsel, Paul Ware, on hiring in the probation department is a deeply disturbing read. How we handle the issues it raises will send an important signal about our true level of commitment to restoring confidence in government.
Time for new leadership in the House
Will, It is time to clean house. The report on the Probation Department released this week by Independent Counsel Paul F.Ware, together with the Globe Spotlight Team’s report on Rep. Thomas Petrolati published in October and the Globe’s earlier report on Probation Department Commisioner John O’Brien paint a depressingly familiar picture of how business is …
Where Lies the Responsibility of removing a floodplain forest?
Responsibility of permitting the partial destruction of a vital floodplain While the complex permitting process of the forested “Belmont uplands” encourages highly diverse thinking and speculation, we hope that friends of our rare natural resources (Alewife urban wild) will talk to their selectmen and city councilors who have voted to protect this area and sponsored …
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Local meeting on Education Technology
We had a good meeting on education technology directions last night in Belmont. For me, the strongest take away was that we need to think mainly about liberating creative energy.
Being from a blue state this is worth reading
While Mass. has been more responsible than the poster children of state irresponsibility Michael Gerson’s column is worth noting.
Stimulus Spending
David and any other readers, Please watch this Youtube video; I know it is sensational and not nuanced but also know we can NOT continue on the path of borrow and spend.