Will is right on ESLR-MA should not be involved-nor should the USA

Recently Will spoke out about Massachusetts and Gov. Patrick funding of Evergreen Solar (ESLR). Will is right to condemn it and the state was and remains wrong when it attempts to fund private industry; and for that matter so is Pres. Obama wrong on this allocation of resources. The private sector, often referred to by some at …

Will grasps pensions-will “they” care?

Will Brownsberger’s recent posts and proposed  ideas illustrate what a thoughtful legislators does; research, consult, publicly debate and propose. He is one of the good ones. While I would go in the direction of getting the state out of the retirement business, Will is attempting to lead reform that would reshape the pension system and …

Silver Maple Forest Update

As noted previously, Governor Patrick did not sign House 701. He did commit to conduct the appraisal contemplated by House 701. I am satisfied with this outcome — the bill would have accomplished nothing more. Confirmation of the appraisal commitment has now arrived in the form of the attached letter from Secretary of Environmental Affairs, …

Considering reform to parole standards in Massachusetts

A number of lawmakers in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts have found good reason to consider parole reform for repeat criminal offenders. While specific reforms to the current system have been in study for a number of years, there has been some debate as to how to move forward with new legislation. The bill that has …