Chapter 90 funding for the coming fiscal year is likely to be increased by 29%, which will provide a modest additional amount for each of my communities.
Stretch Code in Belmont
A meeting tonight in Belmont will consider adoption of the stretch code. The local option to adopt the stretch code comes out of the Green Communities Act that we passed in 2008. In communities adopting the stretch code, new homes and major renovations will have to meet lower energy use targets.
Solar Energy
Hi Will, I have been researching SRECs for MassAudubon’s. To date we have 250 kW of installed capacity around the state of which 44 kW qualify for the MA solar carveout. I learned thatoin January 1, 2011 the DOER reduced, by over 8%, the penalty that producers pay for each MW below the state’s mandated solar quota (ACP). Their stated …
Numbers matter (an oral presentation outline)
Carbon reduction goals — 80% by 2050 (enough?) Global Warming Solutions Act Planning process Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2020 Secretary’s Determination Greenhouse gas inventory (see page 4) How much is under individual control? Deep Energy Retrofit Project Downsize first The project photos CFM Goals Case study I (Building Science) Continual learning process Monitoring …
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DOE Services for Educators
Hi Will … I am curious if you know much about the services provided to educators by the DOE. I am talking about licensure, MTEL, etc. The level of service for licensure particularly has steadily dropped over the years due to budget cuts. At the moment a teacher with questions about their license can only …
Off Topic — Roundbout or Circle Feedback (Road Safety)
Not a current concern, but just some educational feedback from a group I belong to Roundabout Feedback Thanks to all who responded to our informal survey about roundabouts in last week’s e-newsletter. We have received close to 200 opinions, most from drivers who are quite experienced with roundabouts, both in the United States and overseas. Responses …
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