The House Ways and Means Budget does not adopt the Governor’s proposal to fold the Committee for Public Counsel Services into the Executive Branch and eliminate bar advocates (contract attorneys), replacing them with 1000 new hires. It does attempt some cost-savings in indigent representation.
Local Health Plans in the HWM Budget
The House Ways and Means budget includes a relatively strong form of the Massachusetts Municipal Association’s plan design proposal.
Chapter 90 Local Road Aid Finalized
The legislature today approved final Chapter 90 numbers, increasing aid by roughly 29% for most communities.
Electric car incentive in MA?
The all-electric Nissan Leaf will be available in MA by end of 2011. The federal incentive is $7500. Some regions and states, including California, offer additional incentives up to $5,000. What is MA planning to do in order to encourage electric vehicles?
Rt 2/16 Intersection Plans
Proposed changes could streamline this very congested intersection without any expansion into neighboring wetlands. The work is still early in the design phase and construction is 3 to 5 years away.
Found Money
State Treasurer Steve Grossman is making the annual push to distribute funds abandoned in financial institutions. You can check on the web to see whether the Treasurer has custody of funds in your name.