Red Light Cameras – Just Say No

Sorry, not a new topic, nor even a particularly hot one here, but I just saw a great report from Los Angeles on the dangers of Red Light cameras – increased rear-end collisions and significant monetary shortfalls costing the city upwards of $1m per year. It’s hard to explain why LA even continues the program until you …

701: Nice posturing, but not effective

Rep. Brownsberger, I want to thank you for your efforts in trying to preserve open space in your district, and for trying to prevent construction in a location that is inappropriate for multiple reasons – floodprone and in floodplain, inadequate sewer capacity, not physically near either schools or businesses. However, I think everyone realizes that …

Here we go again … Casinos!?!

Will, The news started picking up before the holidays and hasn’t slowed down now with the new year.  Why does DeLeo continue to push for casinos?  Why can’t this topic go away so that our legislature can work on more productive topics? I hope your stance has not changed (I doubt it has).  Is there …