Fear and Loathing in the Big Dig

Hi Will — I will be honest with you, the front page Globe article on the lights in the new central artery/harbor tunnels scared the bejezus out of me. Not so much because of the thousand-pounds of lights hanging precariously over my head every time I go to the airport, but moreso the final comment of the …

Support for Brewers request to change Distributor laws

Hi Will – just a note to let you know that I support the bill, filed by Rep. John Binienda, of Worcester,  that would exempt small brewers from the laws protecting wholesalers in MA. The law was written at a time when there were only two or three brewers in the market. Since that time, …

Massachusetts Alimony Reform 2011: Big Changes?

The matter of alimony is almost invariably a highly emotional and contentious issue for all parties involved, however the current state of Massachusetts alimony laws is rather antiquated and leaves much to be desired. A new bill currently making its way through the Massachusetts legislature with a large amount of momentum would radically reform these …