A discussion on Sentencing Reform will be held at the Watertown Library on Monday, March 12 at 7PM.
Coyotes on the Loose
There has been recent publicity regarding the presence of coyotes, particularly in various of Belmont’s big woods, which pose a threat to pets and people of small stature. This is a regional problem and could be addressed by the Commonwealth without great expense, rather than by placing yet another burden on individual municipalities.
Transitional Services Legislation
On Thursday, the Senate passed legislation that should improve transition for students with special needs.
DRAFT Letter to the MBTA
I’m planning to submit a letter to the MBTA summarizing concerns about their budget cut proposals. I thought I would post the draft here so that people could identify any concerns or solution ideas that I had failed to include.
FY2013 Budget Priorities Letter to Senate Ways and Means
I transmitted today my annual statement of budget priorities to the Senate Ways and Means Chair.
Feb 14 Federal HELP Committee Hearing on IOM Pain Report
On February 14 the U.S. Senate H.E.L.P. Committee will hold a Congressional hearing to review the Institute of Medicine’s 2011 report on pain, Relieving Pain in American: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education and Research. A little piece of Massachusetts trivia about this report. The chairperson of the IOM committee was Philip Pizzo, MD, …
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