The three pages linked to at the bottom of this page explore the implementation of the education aid reforms of 2006 through the financial crunch and consider alternative implementations for FY2013 and beyond. Education aid was formerly distributed to communities pursuant to Chapter 70 of the General Laws and “Chapter 70” is still shorthand for …
What’s your take on the Governor’s new plan for the community colleges?
Does it make sense to you? It seems very narrow in focus to me. It seems that it would allow a very important segment of our higher education system to be ruled by the interests of businesses – primarily businesses in the Boston area. There also seems to be a focus on creating “schools” that …
Continue reading “What’s your take on the Governor’s new plan for the community colleges?”
HI How about raising the Mass Pike Tolls a little. The Cambridge/Allston tolls have been 1.25 since as far as I can remember. Why not raise it to 1.50 and use that money to pay the Big Dig Loan? It’s not fair that public transportation is shouldering the burden of these loans for roads that …
Additional Information from MBTA Management
The General Manager of the MBTA has been forthcoming in response to questions from the legislature about the budget crisis. Some of his replies are posted here.
13th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup
Senator Will Brownsberger’s Office is pleased to announce that it will partner with the Charles River Watershed Association and other local groups to organize a Cleanup of the Charles River on Saturday, April 21st in Brighton and Watertown.
Way cool local company!
Nothing looks more like magic than the technology I saw on display in Watertown on Friday.