Will, This the report I where I found state comparisons on mental health expenditures. http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?cat=5&ind=278 Thanks for following up with DMH to see if it can shed some light. Pam
Responding to Continuing MBTA Concerns
I’m still answering a lot of emails about the MBTA. Here’s an example and my reply.
Recent schedule adjustments to the 74, 75 and 78
We’ve been in touch with the MBTA about frequency reductions that constituents have reported to us on these routes. This is the written response that we have received as to the 78 and we received verbally similar explanations regarding the 74 and the 75. Thank you for letting me know about your concerns with recent …
Continue reading “Recent schedule adjustments to the 74, 75 and 78”
Mental Health Budget
Hi Will, We talked on March 15 about the accumulated cuts of $55 million to mental health services in Massachusetts since 2009, more than any other New England state. Yesterday, I tried to verify on-line how much Massachusetts spends per capita on mental health, compared to the other New England states. Recent facts were scarce, but the …
MBTA: Where are the governor and the legislature on this continuing disaster?
The MBTA’s “solution” is unacceptable. There is no reason to raise any fares or cut any services. There are five sources for enough money to cover this year’s shortfall, over $220 million, at http://www.ace-ej.org/node/3260/print (see below). And that doesn’t count the $140 million savings we could have from shifting the debt off the T. Please …
Continue reading “MBTA: Where are the governor and the legislature on this continuing disaster?”
Details of MBTA Staff Recommendations
Today, MBTA staff announced final recommendations that will be presented to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Board for approval. The details are presented here.