The number of students who took at least one online course surpassed 6 million in 2011. This growth rate of 10 percent from the previous year outpaces the 2 percent growth of higher education in general. An online course is typically defined as a class where 80 percent of the material is found online.These include programs …
Online Learning
What do you think about online learning programs? Have you taken any online courses before? A list of institutions that offer online courses can be found here. Research on the effectiveness of online learning can be found here.
Technology and Online Learning
The table below shows all the academic institutions that support online learning programs, the specific programs they use, the level of education, and the subject areas they offer. All data was compiled from Most online programs are private, for-profit companies that provide services for universities worldwide. However, some services like edX and most in …
Letter regarding prostate cancer line item veto override
Update on MBTA Green Line Initiatives
Following a meeting with Dr. Beverly Scott, the General Manager of the MBTA, on June 24, 2013, Senator Brownsberger received this letter today updating Senator Brownsberger on the MBTA’s Green Line Initiatives. The letter provides an overview of the following initiatives: 1) Green Line Tracking System 2) System Signalization and Time Improvements 3) Stop Consolidation 4) Government Center …
MBTA Provides Educational Tools and Training on Accessible Services
If you or someone you know has accessible service needs as an MBTA customer, you may want to visit this link to Tools for Accessible Travel on the T at the MBTA website. You will find: T Access Guide for Persons with Disabilities and Seniors MBTA System Orientation Training T Access Guide Brochure Note: MBTA customers who …
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