Back-to-School Hotline For Boston Public Schools

 Senator Brownsberger’s office received the press release below from the Boston Mayor’s Office.  ___________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                                                      Contact:   Monday, August 19, 2013                                   Lee McGuire | 617.635.9265                                                                    Boston Public Schools back-to-school hotline up and running Multi-lingual operators at 617-635-9046 have answered 880 calls on first three days BOSTON – Boston Public Schools (BPS) Interim …

The Software Services Tax

I was pleased to report the successful completion of legislative efforts to pass a transportation funding package. It represented the main product of the first leg of the legislative session and was a very necessary and difficult thing to do. I fully supported it and accept full responsibility for every element of it. Unfortunately, it …

Bicycle contraflow lanes

Will, I don’t live or ride near the proposed lane on Hemenway Street, but we need more of these. Anywhere that we have low-speed one-way streets whose primary purpose is to prevent excess cut-through traffic, we should allow 2-way traffic for bicycles. Excluding bicycles serve no useful purpose (they’re not very noisy, they’re not very …

Ask Me About the Financial Costs of Sexual Abuse and Incest

Dear Senator Will Brownsberger, At 59, I still spend days working my brain out of chronic PTSD symptoms and dissociation that is so alive it changes all of my senses, just so I can sit and breathe. It is not war PTSD. Growing up, I gladly used any destructive patterns of living I could to …