About this time last year, after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, a constituent from Watertown approached me with concern about the role that “first person shooter” games play in training people to commit acts of violence. We developed and, with the support of Representatives Hecht and Lawn from Watertown, filed legislation to study …
Natural gas: cost of extending service
Natural gas is getting cheaper and is projected to stay cheaper than oil for the foreseeable future, due to reserves discovered in New England and new techniques for extraction (the infamous ‘fracking’). Looking around in my town, Lexington, there are thousands of houses heated with oil and propane. The snug is that extension of gas …
Early Voting and other election reforms (H 3772)
I’m glad to see the House passed H 3772 (Early voting) and I hope the Senate works on passing it as well. It’s about time we made it easier for people to vote — we are way behind many other states in this area. Editors note, May 23, 2014: Please see this post for information …
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Senate passes Minimum Wage Increase
Please find below the text of a senate press release on our bill to increase the minimum wage. I was pleased to support this legislation. While a recognize that a drastic increase could have a severe impact on jobs and that even a modest increase will lead to job reductions in a few businesses, I’m …
S621, An Act relative to compliance of condominium associations
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Housing. TO: Committee on Housing FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: S621, An Act relative to compliance of condominium associations DATE: November 14, 2013 I write in support of S621, An Act relative to compliance of condominium associations. It is my understanding that …
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S596, An Act relative to eligibility for cooperative housing corporations
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Housing. TO: Committee on Housing FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: S596, An Act relative to eligibility for cooperative housing corporations DATE: November 14, 2013 I am writing in opposition to S596 (and H1143), An Act relative to cooperative housing corporations. Cooperative corporations …
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