I want to thank Senator William Brownsberger for his continued work on Senate Bill 633. This bill would help survivors of sexual abuse to get justice.
Free Justina Rally
There will be a Free Justina (Pelletier) Rally at the State House on May 24th 2:00 to 4:00. The Pelletiers are expected to attend. The more in attendance, the better. Hope to see you there.
Add Winery Direct Shipping to Budget
As an adult voter in Massachusetts, I urge you to ADD A WINERY DIRECT SHIPPING AMENDMENT to the Senate’s version of the budget which mirrors the House’s budget amendment. If passed, this will allow wine lovers like me to purchase a limited amount of wine directly from wineries licensed by our state to ship. The …
Headed into Senate Budget Week
In the coming week, the Senate will take up the budget for Fiscal 2015. We will vote on amendments proposed to the Senate Ways and Means draft budget and then send the budget to a conference committee to resolve differences with the House budget. This is a year where the major parameters of the budget …
Election Law Reform
The committee working to resolve the differences between the House and Senate on election legislation reported out a compromise bill last week. We approved the report unanimously in the Senate. The bill will come back for final enactment next week. Here are the main elements of what was reported out: A new mechanism to allow …
Drugs and addictions overview
In response to popular demand, I’ve created this conversation category on drugs and addictions. This overview collects some older posts and summarizes my current thinking. I have been thinking about these issues for over 20 years and my thinking has evolved considerably over time. Here is an overview of my thinking on drugs and addictions: …