Boston Convention and Exhibition Center Expansion

Tomorrow, the Senate will vote on S2188, An Act relative to the expansion of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.  A similar bill passed the house 131-19.  There has been quite a bit of news coverage about this bill, which I have compiled below along with other resources and reports.  What do you think?  Is …

Update on Plane Noise in Belmont and Watertown

Some Belmont and Watertown residents (mostly towards the eastern side) have been disturbed by new concentrated flight patterns from Logan — almost forgot to post this update, but a jet overhead reminded me. Working closely with me and with Representatives Hecht and Rogers, Congresswoman Clark has been very diligent and helpful in pursuing this issue. …

Letter to MPO – Core Capacity Constraints Study FFY15 UPWP

Senator Brownsberger sent the following letter to the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization to advocate for the inclusion of the Core Capacity Constraints Study in the final FFY15 Unified Planning Work Program. Clinton Bench, Chair Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization State Transportation Building 10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150 Boston, MA 02116-3968 June 4, 2014 Dear …