Women Lead in Child Sexual Abuse Statute Of Limitations Reform

Will writes: Last Thursday, something historic happened: The Governor signed into law a bill giving survivors of sexual child abuse much more time to bring law suits against their abusers. I hope that the message of support we sent last week will help adult survivors of child abuse, both men and women, to shed remaining pain, shame and confusion about searing events in the distant past that were beyond their adult control. I also hope that the extended statute of limitations will help to protect children in the future from abuse.

Senate Passes Internet Technology Bond Bill

The Senate on Thursday passed legislation authorizing up to $999.2 million in spending for the improvement of information technology equipment and related projects in Massachusetts. The bill also includes important reforms to the state’s information technology systems and management, including increased oversight of all information technology projects and recommending best practices.

Core Capacity Study

Good news for long term transportation efforts today, June 26th: the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) voted to endorse the Central Transportation Planning Staff FFY 15 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP.)  Included in the FFY 15 UPWP is a study to assess current and future constraints of our transportation system in the urban core. …