MassDOT) has postponed a Public Meeting for the Back Bay Ramps Transportation Study, initially scheduled for Wednesday, October 8th at the Boston Public Library. A new meeting date will be announced within the next several weeks.
September 2014 MyRWA Clean Water Campaign Committee
Karen Grossman of the MyRWA Clean Water Campaign reports on recent improvements in the Charles River and the upcoming annual meeting of the Mystic River Watershed Association.
We’re number…….46???? Are we really that bad at managing our infrastructure?
Rich Carlson expresses concern about Massachusetts’ comparative state rankings on highways and road infrastructure.
Pension Fund Transparency Update
Last week, the MBTA reached agreement with its largest union, Local 589, on a new collective bargaining agreement which includes commitments to increase transparency of the union’s pension fund. Concerns about the issue aren’t fully settled, but this is real progress and I commend the MBTA, the union’s leadership and the fund itself for these major steps towards transparency.
Bowker Overpass Lane Closures Effective Monday, September 29
More information about the Bowker overpass from Storrow Drive towards Fenway and Longwood. We are also working closely with neighbors of the project and with MassDOT to control the local noise and disruption caused by the project.
New Scheduled Stop at Belmont Center Commuter Rail
In response to efforts by Representative David Rogers, the MBTA Commuter Rail has scheduled an additional morning stop in Belmont Center. Here is the MBTA’s letter to Representative Rogers.