The gas tax is dedicated by law to highway and transit maintenance and improvements. Needless to say, I am opposed to anything that would reduce current or future revenues dedicated to these purposes. But I want to emphasize three particular reasons why I supported the gas tax indexing as a legislator.
Limited Weatherization Rebates from Belmont Light
Belmont Light is currently offering a limited number of home weatherization and heat pump savings opportunities on a first-come, first-served basis. Here is more information on obtaining $1,500 worth of weatherization products and services for a co-pay of just $299.
MBTA Designing Improvements to Green Line
This BNN News interview with Senator Brownsberger and Erik Stoothoff, Chief Engineer of MBTA Design and Construction, looks at the planned improvements to the Commonwealth Avenue Green Line proposed by the MBTA to consolidate four B branch stops: BU West, St. Paul, Babcock, and Pleasant, down to two new accessible stops to help reduce travel times and improve safety.
Progress Report on Watertown Riverfront Park and Braille Trail Project
There is a great project underway on the Watertown Riverfront. The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) sent this progress report.
Silver Maple Forest — the end game
As the saga of the Silver Maple Forest winds to a sad end, the question recurs: What will the state do to help save the forest? Despite many attempts on my part, and on the parts of other concerned parties, the discouraging short summary appears to be: nothing.
Commonwealth Avenue Construction Advisory
The MBTA will be conducting work over the next two weekends that will disrupt Green Line service and road traffic on Commonwealth Avenue.